This utility comes packaged with react-query
and is available under the react-query/createWebStoragePersister
functionimport { persistQueryClient } from 'react-query/persistQueryClient'import { createWebStoragePersister } from 'react-query/createWebStoragePersister'const queryClient = new QueryClient({defaultOptions: {queries: {cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, // 24 hours},},})const localStoragePersister = createWebStoragePersister({ storage: window.localStorage })// const sessionStoragePersister = createWebStoragePersister({ storage: window.sessionStorage })persistQueryClient({queryClient,persister: localStoragePersister,})
Persistence can fail, e.g. if the size exceeds the available space on the storage. Errors can be handled gracefully by providing a retry
function to the persister.
The retry function receives the persistedClient
it tried to save, as well as the error
and the errorCount
as input. It is expected to return a new PersistedClient
, with which it tries to persist again. If undefined is returned, there will be no further attempt to persist.
export type PersistRetryer = (props: {persistedClient: PersistedClienterror: ErrorerrorCount: number}) => PersistedClient | undefined
Per default, no retry will occur. You can use one of the predefined strategies to handle retries. They can be imported from 'react-query/persistQueryClient'
with the oldest query removed.const localStoragePersister = createWebStoragePersister({storage: window.localStorage,retry: removeOldestQuery})
Call this function to create a webStoragePersister that you can use later with persistQueryClient
createWebStoragePersister(options: CreateWebStoragePersisterOptions)
interface CreateWebStoragePersisterOptions {/** The storage client used for setting an retrieving items from cache (window.localStorage or window.sessionStorage) */storage: Storage/** The key to use when storing the cache */key?: string/** To avoid spamming,* pass a time in ms to throttle saving the cache to disk */throttleTime?: number/** How to serialize the data to storage */serialize?: (client: PersistedClient) => string/** How to deserialize the data from storage */deserialize?: (cachedString: string) => PersistedClient/** How to retry persistence on error **/retry?: PersistRetryer}
The default options are:
{key = `REACT_QUERY_OFFLINE_CACHE`,throttleTime = 1000,serialize = JSON.stringify,deserialize = JSON.parse,}
and deserialize
optionsThere is a limit to the amount of data which can be stored in localStorage
If you need to store more data in localStorage
, you can override the serialize
and deserialize
functions to compress and decrompress the data using a library like lz-string.
import { QueryClient } from 'react-query';import { persistQueryClient } from 'react-query/persistQueryClient'import { createWebStoragePersister } from 'react-query/createWebStoragePersister'import { compress, decompress } from 'lz-string';const queryClient = new QueryClient({ defaultOptions: { queries: { staleTime: Infinity } } });persistQueryClient({queryClient: connectionsQueryClient,persistor: createWebStoragePersister({storage: window.localStorage,serialize: data => compress(JSON.stringify(data)),deserialize: data => JSON.parse(decompress(data)),}),maxAge: Infinity,});
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